Video Game High School Wiki
VGHSLogo Season 1, Episode 1
Season 1
Episode 1
Airdate Unknown
Length Unknown
Previous Unknown
Next Unknown

Episode 1 is the first episode to air in the series and has subtitles enabled via Youtube one week later along with Episode 2.


Warning: Spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk!

Brian D's team starts off on top of a building, which they are taking on enemies ahead. However, the enemy blocks the exit, preventing them from escaping. It then switches to Brian D on his bike pedaling fast to his house. He is then stopped by two people, and was delayed. The video cuts to a show called "IRL" which is hosted by three females. They introduce The Law who then talks shortly. Back to Brian D, he rushed into his house, joined his team, and then it cuts back to the game, in where Brian D respawns behind the enemies and shoot them.

Back to the show, The Law explains what a "pubstomp" is. Back to the game, the gang drops down, walks a little bit before Brian D has to be AFK (means Away From Keyboard) to throw out his cat, Cheeto. Back to the show, The Law is in progress to find a server to join, and finds one Brian D and his gang in. Back to the game, a player (his name is unknown) was scoped him, he saw enemies switching to his team, in confusion until The Law enters the server. Since then, The Law has murdered everyone on the server except the AFK player (Brian D). He promptly places a grenade on top of his head and walks some yard away, holding up his Long Arm gun, aiming for the grenade. When Brian D comes back, he realizes an enemy is about to shoot him, sees a grenade on his head, and then dodges it and throws it to the The Law, and then in slow-motion, finishes him off by shooting the grenade, humiliating him on live national television.

Next, Brian D gets a congratulations from the entire server and calling him the "Law-killer". He then is invited to VGHS, the most pro-intense gaming academy of the world because of his murder against The Law.


  • The studio used for "IRL" is a studio called "What's Trending" in Youtube, hosted by Shira Lazar.
  • The two people that stopped Brian D in the beginning of the episode were Philip Wang and Wesley Chan, who run Wong-Fu Productions on Youtube.